»আন্তর্জাতিক»Covid-19 pandemic and thought of Rohingya Refugee crisis
Covid-19 pandemic and thought of Rohingya Refugee crisis
জালালাবাদ বার্তা ডট কম ।
Indeed, it is good news for Bangladesh as well as over the world that not that much infected case of Rohingya refugee has been yet detected for coronavirus (Covid-19) infection, but it cannot be ignored that deadly infectious disease will not appear as great threat for Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh. In the south eastern part of Bangladesh, at Cox’s Bazar, around 11, 00000 Rohingya refugee have been settling at different camps since 2017 fled from Rakhine State of Myanmar. It is told from different source that 8 billion refugee over the world are staying at high risk stage.
Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has emerged as the biggest challenge over the world and due to infection of the deadly virus the death toll sharp soaring in every corner of the world in each day. In terms of prevention of the virus, only China, South Korea, Singapore, and Honk Konghas shown great success that has been due to take unprecedentedsteps by itsauthorities while western countries likeItaly, Spain, French, Germany, the United State America, Canada and almost all affected countries are fighting with the highest priority, even though no one has till now stepped in a little bit hope, we arepraying thatvery soon they will overcome from the crisis.In fact, it is a matter of anxious, the infected people of fatal virus Covid-19 can be detected anywhereanytime though it depends on transmission from one human body to another through droplet.We hope, we (Bangladesh) will also tackle the existing precarious situation perhaps a number of populations with praiseworthy
From World Health Organization-WHO has been frequently warning for couple of days that the South Asian countries are more vulnerable zone of spreading very rapidly of infectious virus, and there is possibility. In the region of the South EastAsia, people of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka have already been affected and some infected them have died due to infection of the virus. And the fearis gettingspread sharply in and around of these countries. After getting affected European countries,India has already been declared the next hotspot of novel coronavirus (Covid-19). Source BBC. Bangladesh, where large volume of Rohingya refugee live is located next to India, so risk of affecting of infection of Covid-19 cannot be wiped out.
And from the all corners, World Health Organization (WHO) and affected countries are telling to maintain social distancing and ensure test of suspected people to reduce of threat of infection of disease, that. Meanwhile, in Bangladesh, a few number of the person have been detected of Covid-19 comparison with others affected countries and the number may increase that is assuming. From the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, andthe experts of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) suggesting on press about rising awareness of all people of Bangladesh by using preventive steps like regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water, and not to go outside without any emergency and avoid mass gathering. So, thesetypes of supplies are extremely urgent those have to be ensured for Rohingya refugee.
In this particular sense, if we think as to Rohingya refugees camps and the refugee community. In general, their living house extremely congested and they stay in one or two rooms with large family members. And their life style is not complete preventive of Covid-19 infection as large volume of people live in a camp. In a small room, as they live in very closely with each other of all ages, and if any member is infected, other members will be fallen in peril. Because, we have learned that if any person starts to feel sick with fever, cough, cold or any other symptom he/she needs home quarantine or separate roomor home quarantine. But it is very difficult to maintain the required necessary forthat type of families at the Rohingya camps because they have no the required opportunity to ensure the safe placefor other members.
Undoubtedly, the government of Bangladesh has initiated as much as possible to fight against coronavirus (COVID-19) all over the country including Rohingya refugee camps, but on behalf of government of Bangladesh it would be next to impossible to challenge from havoc of the infectious disease if necessary. It is recognized that Rohingya crisis is an international issue, but Bangladesh is suffering a great deal since the beginning, so the developed countries,all local, national as well as international organizations, like WHO (World Health Organization), UNHRC (United Nations Human Right Council), icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh),UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund), Save the children, BRAC and Health Community has to come forward immediately beside them and Bangladesh. Otherwise, the Rohingya refugee will not able to back from imminent catastrophe and lead normal life.
Since the beginning, they are getting all supports like health, education, livelihoods and others from the government of Bangladesh, national and international organization but approaching situation would be undoubtedly different as it is Covid-19 catastrophe, whereas we are seeing the health departments of all affected countries have become bewildered as well as challenging condition.
The location of the Rohingya refugee (for example Ukhia) camp is more or less 30 kilometers distance from Cox’s Bazar prepared hospital for undertaking coronavirus infected patients. According to distance between and camps and hospital, the required health support could make rush and demanding for someone. We have seen the critical patients need intensive care for recovery from the pandemic virus if necessary. Here, it should be remembered that in the camps if Covid-19 outbreakand the numbers increase how the emergency support would be arranged and the number of death toll would be less.
In terms of emergency response, according to number of refugees and density, the authority ought to get ready with a great volume of all health facilities. If the proper steps could not be reserved, there is more possibility in triggering the disorder that is happening in Italy, French and the USA. Besides permanent hospital it is urgentto be set up more temporary emergency health supporting point for certain time like Italy. Italy, earlier, the Covid-19 case took lightly as they are suffering a lot. We do not want to fall in peril like others, so in advance we should get down to work right now from all sectors and corners.
Rohingya crisis is an international issue, though coronavirus pandemic is creating unlimited haphazard situation over the world, the world communities have to pay concrete attention to Rohigya refugees in Bangladesh. We know that the several organizations work in order to promote their livelihoods, we have seen natural and man-made disaster, but theexisting catastrophe, world people have not experienced after WWII.In highly affected countries, besides the patients, while providing health service a hand full number of doctors, nurses and health supporters have already died causing of infection of the virus. Therefore all unpredicted circumstances must be handled with enough confidence. We hope the national and international leaders and health supporting team would more proactive and give enormous effortsto recovery from forthcoming anxiety.
In the camp areas, since the inception of influx of Rohingya refugee, besides the government of Bangladesh a good number of employees from different level such as local, national and international workforce have been fighting there to provide all facilities consequently their daily life is gradually promoting. Though world humanity is being now indulged in the grave danger, it is the world humankind one day they must turn from the ruin and lead a normal life and the world humankind must win.
The writer is an environment activist
The writer can be reached at arindam1985.ju@gmail.com